Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Levi really loved Christmas this year. Everything was entralling for him, from the "kwismas ites", to the tree, the presents "more pwesents...pweeease". Christmas definitely is more fun when you have kids. Levi's favorite toy was a race track that he can race up to 4 cars at a time, even though he tries to do all 10 at the same time.
Jace LOVES his exersaucer (a regift since it was Levi's hand-me-down)
Rick and I enjoyed our stocking stuffers and revelled in how we have been blessed during the past year. We decided that we had enough gifts this past year with buying a home, a new van, and most recently a new washer/dryer.
On the 23rd of December we got a lot of snow during the night so Levi and I played in the snow while Jace took a morning nap and before I had to go to work.
My favorite pic of Levi in the snow.
Our pitiful attempt at a snowman. It was too powdery to stick together so our snowman was all of about 10 inches high.
In reflecting on the past year, we have been extremely blessed, we have 2 handsome boys, (I have to digress for a moment, last Sunday as I got Levi ready for church I told him a couple times he was very handsome. While Rick and I were getting dressed, Levi went into our room, tilted the full length mirror so he could see himself and cocking his head to the side said "handsome", what a hoot!) we have a nice home and wonderful friends and neighbors, a loving, supportive family and our most important blessing of all is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which binds us together eternally and brings so much peace, joy and love into our home. I am grateful for the experiences that we have had recently that have increased my testimony. I hope that others have been as blessed as we have been.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas Village
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Family Vacation
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Rick is quite proud that he has taught Levi not to bang on the piano but rather play 1 key at a time. Levi loves to sing Twinkle, twinkle little star, at bedtime, naptime and frequently in between. He also loves to sing his ABCs and recently started singing I Am A Child of God. We love to hear him sing. Any time there is a musical number during sacrament or when the hymns are being played he is very reverent. During musical numbers he is captivated by the singers. I am really glad that he enjoys music and hope that his appreciation will carry throughout his life.
I actually hope that Rick's musical abilities will carry over to his children. I didn't know how musically talented he was until after we were married. He plays the piano, guitar and drums! He actually was in a scholarship competition for piano (he lost, a very sore subject secondary to the circumstances surrounding it). I really LOVE my husband and appreciate all he does and what a devoted father he is. I just sit back and smile when I watch him play with the boys and you can tell how much our boys love him.
Happy Thanksgiving. The above and many other things I am so very thankful for.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Life as we know it
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Our baby blessing and trip
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Zoo
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Our newest family member
Levi is adjusting pretty well. The first time he saw him I held Levi in one arm and Jace in the other. Levi said "baby", reached down and tried to bite Jace's foot. Since then he has done pretty well, he's very concerned if the baby is crying, likes playing with the baby's toys and only tries to hit him about 5-10 times a day.
For those of you who actually read this blog, I've been working on Jace's baby announcement and need your opinion on which layout I like better. I just can't decide. I've got Levi in bed and Rick has Jace but I'd better log off and get back to my family. Thanks to everyone who has helped us this past week with babysitting and meals. Especially my mom who has come the last 3 days to help me with the boys. Today was the first day on our own and Levi was sure missing Grandma's attention.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
For now we are done from the main floor up, still have a wall and window bench to move, finish a bathroom and new flooring to do. But until the home loan closes we are at a stand still and are just hoping that can be done before the baby gets here. You know for not moving, we are sure moving a lot!
Levi's fascintation with trucks still continues. We cannot leave the house without one in tow and he always wants to eat with ALL of them at the table. We are currently trying to curb that.
Levi also accompanied me to Girl's Camp up in the Uintah's. The girls were really good and we all had a good time. My camp directors were fabulous, all I had to do was show up and do what they needed me to do. My parents came along with their tent trailer to help me with Levi. That was such a big help, I wouldn't have been able to do it without them.
For now we have been enjoying watching the Olympics and I have be crazily trying to get baby stuff rewashed, cleaned, found, etc. I just finished making the baby's new bedding, curtains and boppy cover and am now working on getting his blessing outfit done. Hopefully I'll get everything finished, only 2 more weeks to go from tomorrow!
Little what's his name (we still have absolutely no idea what to name him, haven't even narrowed it down to a couple) is scheduled to be born Wed. Sept 3rd at noon at McKay Dee hospital. I doubt that I will have time to post before then so that is the plan. I'll try to get some pics up as soon as I can.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Camp, camp and more camp
Monday, June 2, 2008
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Levi has been setting up boobie-traps for us. It doesn't matter if it's across the room, the bottom of the stairs, or up and down the stairs. We can always find his toys lined up, sometimes even by size. My sister-in-law assures me that the child development books attribute that to early math skills and that her son did it too. That's a relief as Rick is sure that it's an OCD indicator.
It's actually pretty cute. He also is having a lot of fun learning his shapes. He can even verbalize several of the shapes and I rarely have to point out which shape goes in which slot. His vocabulary is growing rapidly.
We are about to transfer Levi to a toddler bed to get ready for the new baby. Any ideas/suggestions would be helpful...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Shoes and Hats
I think that he's going through a growth spurt, none of his pajamas (24 month) fit anymore. I'll have to measure him soon.
We have started looking for a new house but the search is slow and with all our commitments this summer we probably won't be moving until early August or late September. Perfect timing to be expecting/having a new baby.
The baby is starting to move a lot more and doesn't kick as much as Levi did but likes to push up under one of my ribs and hang out. I've bought most of the material for his bedding but haven't done anything with it yet. I should probably get that done before I can no longer bend at the waist.
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Shoe Craze Continues
However this is not the only thing that he likes. How many 19 month olds LOVE to have their shoes on, like getting his teeth brushed and LOVES bedtime. All we have to say is that it's bedtime (no matter what time of day) and he drops his toys and runs/crawls up the stairs to get to bed.
Once there I wish I could say he goes to sleep, but no, he looks out his window, throws blankets out of the crib and 45 min later screams for us. We tried moving his bedtime back to 8 p.m. thinking that it was due to the sun being up later, it worked last night. Tonight, bed at 8, it's now 9:52 and I can still hear him in the other room. At least he's not screaming. I on the other hand would have loved to be asleep 2 hours ago!!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A Milestone Met
I always hear from my friends how their child just cried when they left, just clung to the parent or how it broke their heart. Well, I took Levi to his first nursery time 2 weeks ago and he about jumped out of my arms trying to get to the toys. He first chose a baby buggy to push around, his dad would be so proud, made a lap around the room and then grabbed a truck also. So he walked past me again, baby buggy pushed with one hand and the truck in the other, looked up and smiled and kept walking. He didn't care if I was there or not.
One of the nursery leaders had just finished taking a child to a parent in between classes and stopped and said "I hate to tell you this, but Levi is doing just fabulous". Rick went to pick him up and they said he sat there very happy during the lesson and treat also. Although I did hear later that he snaked a couple of treats from in front of the boy sitting next to him.
Today was the same thing, Rick dropped him off and we were able to go to class childless. He's growing up so fast. I am glad he likes nursery and it's not a fight for him to go, I'm sure he'll have his days but I'll take it for now. He sure is an independant little boy!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Not so creative titles
The title "If Life Was Easy" comes from the title of a book written by Sheri Dew, an LDS author, the full title is "If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard". I just think that she is a great writer and has a lot of great insights into life, spirituality and our purpose here on earth.
The blog title "Because You Are Special" comes from a book given to me by my friend Kertsi while I was serving an LDS mission. Since then I have come to love and search for books written by the author Max Lucado. This book "You Are Special" is all about the Wemmicks and their search for acceptance in life. It's really a children's book but I think that it applies to each of us from childhood into adulthood. It talks about how each of us are different, we look different, have different talents and the labels that are attached to people by others. But it also talks about how our creator, God, made us different on purpose and how he loves us no matter what, even if we are a little bit rough around the edges.
After grad-school I've had difficulty picking up many books to read and my book reading for personal growth/entertainment average has dropped radically after having Levi (usually we are reading board books) but I feel that reading is a terrific way to escape and let your imagination take over for awhile. Hopefully I'll be able to read a bit more for myself in the near future.
So that's why this blog is named the way it is.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Another BOY!!!
Today Levi and I went to the Teddy Bear Factory and made his new brother a teddy bear. If I can ever figure out how to download from my phone I'll post a picture. Levi didn't want to let the new bear go. Finally he was so tired he dropped it. Now I'm going to have to hide it till the baby arrives.
The Dreaded First Kiss
We go exercise a few days a week with my friend Angie and her daughter Addison. We usually strap the kids in our strollers and take off to the park. Today the weather was so nice that when we got back to her house we let the kids run around for awhile.
As we were chatting and keeping the kids away from the street, we looked up just in time to see Addie sitting on the ground and Levi bending over to give her a kiss. I'm not sure if he actually made contact but Addie sure had a look of disgust on her face as she pushed him away.
We're going to have to keep an eye on our little Casanova.