Friday, April 11, 2008

Not so creative titles

Not a lot has happened during the past week for our little family so I thought that I'd write about why this blog has the name it does. First off, I spoke to my sister-in-law to figure out how to get started and she gave me some hints about protecting identity and such. So then I tried every creative thing I could think of (obviously not a lot to choose from) and they were all taken. So then I got thinking about some of my favorite books. So hopefully I'm not plagerizing by using part of the titles, I don't think so.
The title "If Life Was Easy" comes from the title of a book written by Sheri Dew, an LDS author, the full title is "If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard". I just think that she is a great writer and has a lot of great insights into life, spirituality and our purpose here on earth.
The blog title "Because You Are Special" comes from a book given to me by my friend Kertsi while I was serving an LDS mission. Since then I have come to love and search for books written by the author Max Lucado. This book "You Are Special" is all about the Wemmicks and their search for acceptance in life. It's really a children's book but I think that it applies to each of us from childhood into adulthood. It talks about how each of us are different, we look different, have different talents and the labels that are attached to people by others. But it also talks about how our creator, God, made us different on purpose and how he loves us no matter what, even if we are a little bit rough around the edges.
After grad-school I've had difficulty picking up many books to read and my book reading for personal growth/entertainment average has dropped radically after having Levi (usually we are reading board books) but I feel that reading is a terrific way to escape and let your imagination take over for awhile. Hopefully I'll be able to read a bit more for myself in the near future.
So that's why this blog is named the way it is.

1 comment:

Cecily R said...

I liked your title before, but now I love it!! Love the references!!