Friday, April 24, 2009

Quick update

Rick and Levi had their tonsils out yesterday. Everything went well and both are home recovering. Levi was bouncing off the walls yesterday (I thought pain meds were supposed to knock you out). Today he is a little more subdued, one minute he looks like he's about to pass out, then next he's running around.
Rick has had a rougher time, as we expected. But today his pain and nausea seems to be under control. Thanks to all our family and friends who've helped and called to help.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter and I Lied!!!

So I'm starting to feel like Typhoid Mary (If you're not familiar with her, she was a nurse back in the day who spread typhoid fever to thousands of people). I thought we were all better, I thought we could go out in the community, I thought that we had "turned the corner". Not so much. Over the weekend my babysitter called and she and her little boy had strep, from us (as you can tell from the following). They were on vacation in Arizona for the holiday weekend (SORRY).
Easter morning we got the kids up, fed, bathed and ready for church. Since we have the 11-2 p.m. time (right during lunch and nap time) I usually bring snacks for Levi, you know, grapes, string cheese, less messy stuff. I looked over to comment to Rick and began to panic as I thought Levi was choking on a grape. No, he just had swollen glands... The size of GOLF BALLS!!! I whisked him out, looked in his throat, called my brother (a physician's assistant) and then sent Levi home with his dad. I would've gone too but had a lesson the next hour.
When I got home Levi was still awake so I grabbed a flashlight and looked down his throat again. Sure enough, he had strep.
Then on Tuesday, Rick finished his antibiotic and by Wednesday morning his throat hurt again. Long and the short of it, we took them to a specialist, Levi has tonsilitis and had to get bloodwork done because the doctor thought he might have mono as well. Rick has chronic tonsilitis and now they will be getting their tonsils out this coming Thursday . Hopefully we'll be all healed to go to Bear Lake the following weekend. At least Levi doesn't have mono like we originally thought. If he had, we'd have been Typhoid Mary of the Wedgewood ward.

The Zoo

Since we've finally been healthy we decided to take advantage of Good Friday (Rick has it off work) and go to the Hogle Zoo. We got up and took our time and had a yummy breakfast of Orange Rolls and bacon. Then we packed up and headed out. The weather couldn't have been better.
The kids enjoyed being out and about and loved looking at the animals. Jace was very entertained (more by Levi than the animals). We took the double stroller but Levi walked most of the time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Turning the corner

I think that we have finally "turned the corner". Since March 13th, we have had one illness after the other. First Jace came down with pink eye. Next (while hosting a St. Patrick's day dinner for our parents) my brother DJ diagnosed Levi with impetigo and myself with Strep throat. A day or so later Rick wasn't feeling so great. Then came the RSV weeks. On a Tuesday Jace started being a little conjested and the next day (at daycare of course) he was really lethargic and conjested. Being the mother of the year that I am, I thought it was just a cold and waited until Friday to take him to the doctor. Sure enough, RSV. That Saturday night I ended up taking Jace to the emergency room for the RSV clinic. Luckily he didn't have to stay, they just deep suctioned him, did a breathing treatment, suction again and then we got to go home. Since then there were ups and downs and I about took him back to the hospital a few times but over the past 2 days he has made remarkable improvements. He's happy, taking fabulous naps, and in general is pretty happy. I even got to sleep in my own bed (the first time in 1 1/2 weeks. Not only that, but Jace slept all night long. (I still checked on him a few times) Ahhhhhh. What a mostly full night of sleep will do for you. Rick had to go to the doctor again and he had strep throat yesterday and started antibiotics. So as of 9 a.m. he will no longer be contagious!!! As I said before "I think we've finally turned the corner" (hopefully I'm not speaking to soon.
Levi has also been letting his little personality shine and cracks us up. The other night I told him it was time for bed and he looked at me and said "I said NO!" Oh really.