Friday, September 17, 2010

Girls Night

My sister procured tickets to the Lion King and we had a night out. We went to Boccia's for dinner, mmmmmmm! Then we walked up to the theater and enjoyed a spectacular show. The costumes and artistry were amazing. The Lion King has always been one of my favorite cartoons so it was neat to see it brought to life. I think that it will be something that I take my boys to when they are older and can appreciate (sit through) it.

Birthday Boy

The big 2. He is such an independant little boy and loves to do anything that his brother is doing.
I think that his favorite phrase is "I do it". He also loves to climb on just about anything. It was a little suprising when he let Levi help him blow out candles and open his presents. I think that Levi was more excited for Jace's birthday than anyone.

At Jace's 2 year old doctor appointment he weighed 33.25 lbs (94th percentile), and was 35.5 inches (77th percentile). Yes, he is on his way to be a linebacker.
During his immunizations I told him that he was going to get a shot and that it was going to hurt but it wouldn't hurt for long, so he needed to be a big boy and not cry. He said "okay, I big boy". As they gave him the shot, big tears welled up in his eyes and he began to cry. I told him "it's all done" He looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said "All done" wiped both cheeks with the back of his hands and said "No tears, no tears, I big boy". It was pretty cute.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Birthday Cake

Jace turns 2 tomorrow! I can't believe how big he's getting. I will post pics later of the party. I decided to try to make a Lego cake. My cake decorating skills leave much to be desired but I wasn't up to trying to do Fondant.

Preschool orientation

Levi's orientation for preschool was on Wednesday. He got up and didn't want to get dressed until I told him that we were going to meet his teacher (that was at 7:30). He quickly got dressed and put on his backpack and said "let's go to school". I told him that I had to go to work for a couple hours but then would be back to take him. He wore his backpack until I got home at 11 and met me at the door ready to go.
His teacher was really nice and he talked about going back all day long.