Friday, April 25, 2008

The Shoe Craze Continues

Levi's favorite thing to do the past 2 days is put on Rick or my shoes and waddle around. It's actually pretty funny because he can't take very big steps or he'll fall right over, which he's done a few times. I think that there are about 10 pairs of shoes out around the house to satisfy this new obsession. We may have to start hiding our shoes!
However this is not the only thing that he likes. How many 19 month olds LOVE to have their shoes on, like getting his teeth brushed and LOVES bedtime. All we have to say is that it's bedtime (no matter what time of day) and he drops his toys and runs/crawls up the stairs to get to bed.
Once there I wish I could say he goes to sleep, but no, he looks out his window, throws blankets out of the crib and 45 min later screams for us. We tried moving his bedtime back to 8 p.m. thinking that it was due to the sun being up later, it worked last night. Tonight, bed at 8, it's now 9:52 and I can still hear him in the other room. At least he's not screaming. I on the other hand would have loved to be asleep 2 hours ago!!!


Cecily R said...

Picture of small kid in giant shoes please!!

Isaac never really wanted to wear the shoes, but for about a year EVERY time Jon went to put his shoes on Isaac had hidden a toy in one of them. I think when he finally stopped doing it Jon was a little sad...

I love that your kids likes bedtime. Bummer that he doesn't stay in bed, but at least he doesn't act like you're marching him to the gallows. :)

Cecily R said...

I meant that I love that your KID (only one right now) likes bedtime. Course, who knows, maybe the other one likes bedtime too!!