Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yesterday Levi and I ran to "The WalMart" intending to purchase a package of diapers to add to a baby shower gift and left $41 later. What did I spend that much money on (the diapers were $10), my child of course. First there were a couple summer shirts, with the warm weather lately I've noticed a huge lack of short sleeve tops for him. Then it was a bin for his mass of toys that seem to stretch from one end of the house, down the stairs, up again and into his bedroom, next the Gerber Toddler snacks caught my eye. I've been wanting to try the fruit snacks in comparison to the sugar filled ones I buy for myself. Anyway, as we were headed to the car I gave Levi one and he of course scarfed it down and wanted more. I told him (and demonstrated) that he needed to point to his mouth and say "more". To my suprise, he did, and it was a very clear "more". I decided to try again and make sure it wasn't a fluke. We tried and tried, all the way through a whole pouch of snacks, there were quite a few in there suprisingly, as we drove home. Each time he would happily say "more", that is until we reached home and tried to show daddy. Then of course, he wouldn't perform. He since however has shown his dad his new found word and motion to indicate he would like more food. We may be in trouble as he LOVES to eat!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Start

Well, I've been debating for weeks about whether to start a blog or not. I've been inspired by friends and family; although I doubt that I will be nearly as entertaining. Mostly I just hope to keep family updated on our life and make myself write down some of the many memories that we are creating