Friday, April 3, 2009

Turning the corner

I think that we have finally "turned the corner". Since March 13th, we have had one illness after the other. First Jace came down with pink eye. Next (while hosting a St. Patrick's day dinner for our parents) my brother DJ diagnosed Levi with impetigo and myself with Strep throat. A day or so later Rick wasn't feeling so great. Then came the RSV weeks. On a Tuesday Jace started being a little conjested and the next day (at daycare of course) he was really lethargic and conjested. Being the mother of the year that I am, I thought it was just a cold and waited until Friday to take him to the doctor. Sure enough, RSV. That Saturday night I ended up taking Jace to the emergency room for the RSV clinic. Luckily he didn't have to stay, they just deep suctioned him, did a breathing treatment, suction again and then we got to go home. Since then there were ups and downs and I about took him back to the hospital a few times but over the past 2 days he has made remarkable improvements. He's happy, taking fabulous naps, and in general is pretty happy. I even got to sleep in my own bed (the first time in 1 1/2 weeks. Not only that, but Jace slept all night long. (I still checked on him a few times) Ahhhhhh. What a mostly full night of sleep will do for you. Rick had to go to the doctor again and he had strep throat yesterday and started antibiotics. So as of 9 a.m. he will no longer be contagious!!! As I said before "I think we've finally turned the corner" (hopefully I'm not speaking to soon.
Levi has also been letting his little personality shine and cracks us up. The other night I told him it was time for bed and he looked at me and said "I said NO!" Oh really.


Cecily R said...

Oh my GOSH Tiana! I can't believe how bad its gotten for you guys!!! I know I'm a little late asking, but is there anything I can do for you guys??

Emu Monkey said...

Tee, I am glad you are all starting to feel better. It is never fun with ickiness around. Your little guy is such a cutie!