Friday, April 24, 2009

Quick update

Rick and Levi had their tonsils out yesterday. Everything went well and both are home recovering. Levi was bouncing off the walls yesterday (I thought pain meds were supposed to knock you out). Today he is a little more subdued, one minute he looks like he's about to pass out, then next he's running around.
Rick has had a rougher time, as we expected. But today his pain and nausea seems to be under control. Thanks to all our family and friends who've helped and called to help.


Brianna said...

I am so glad you have a blog. You have such a cute little family. Wow! taking care of two patients! You are a trooper! I'm glad they are recovering, and hopefully this will be the end of sickness. Come on Spring. Where are you!

Jaime said...

Levi doesn't look too happy in the bottom picture. At least he & Rick didn't have to go through it alone.

Emu Monkey said...

At least they are both done at the same time.