Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Levi and Jace were Cowboys for Halloween. Who knew that it would take >30 min to get 2 little boys in jeans, shirts, chaps, vest and shoes?
And that 2 little boys who normally LOVE the camera, would be SO uncooperative? (The best picture that I could get of the 2 of them.
All in all, we had a busy, fun time. The festivities started on Thursday with a party at my work for the employees and their families. Always nice to get paid to go eat food (there was a short meeting).
Friday was Trunk-or-Treat along with chili/soup and good friends to visit with.
Saturday we headed to Rick's sister Cathy's home for the night. They always have a big pot of chili and a pot of cheesy potato soup that are SO yummy, there's usually some tasty bread as well. This year we brought homemade cream soda and rootbeer. Mmmmm. Rick's mom always brings Marie Calendar pies. We always eat good and go away stuffed. We've been going to Cathy's for Halloween pretty much since we got married, it's a fun tradition.
Following dinner (or what we could get the kids to eat) we headed out trick-or-treating. Levi really understood the whole concept and got into it this year. It is fun for the cousins to get to play together and they are all within about a year in age.
The kids lasted about 1 1/2 hours and had a great time running from house to house. Jace hung out in the stroller and was a good sport. At one house Levi was running away and the owner's puppy (a black lab) got loose and chased Levi and knocked him over, Candy went everywhere! Levi was no worse for the wear and it was pretty funny to watch.
Levi and Evie "cheese-ing" for the camera.
Jace loves to find everyone's lazy susan and sit in it. He likes sitting in cupboards in general. His favorite is to carry around 2 cans of tuna that I usually have in there.

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