Monday, April 19, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

We spent last Wed through Fri night at McKay Dee hospital. I thought that Jace just had a little cold but on Wed he started wheezing so I took him over to the kids care clinic and after 2 breathing treatments and a round of oral steriods the doctor informed me that he was going to need to be admitted to the hospital, run home, grab a bag and get to the hospital ASAP. We spent the next 2 days with intermittent sleep, lots of breathing treatments and a lot of waiting around.
Jace thought that he was having a fabulous time, flirting with the nurses, running up and down the halls with a mask on, playing with the toys they brought and spending one on one time with mom. He would run up and down the halls with a mask on wheezing away and stopping to laugh and say "hi" to everyone and giggle at the nurses.

I have a super cute pic of him getting ready for a bath with his little bum hanging out of the back of his gown. I would post it but don't want to get reported for obscene photos. But it's dang cute.
They diagnosed him with reactive airway disorder (RAD) similar to asthma, when I took him for a follow-up today the doctor thinks that it was probably due to a reaction to a virus (another kid at daycare was diagnosed with croup the same day. The doctor said that the same virus can affect kids differently depending on age.
Anyhow, we are now home and Jace is doing much better. We are doing breathing treatments every 6 hours now (instead of 4) and continuing to wean down. He's still happy as ever and actually seems to enjoy the breathing treatments.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

He has been listening

Tonight at dinner Jace was a little upset that he didn't get to say the prayer, so I asked if he wanted to say it. He folded his little arms and bowed his head. I helped him start by saying "Dear Heavenly Father" he repeated then strung together a whole sentence on his own..."Tank oo for dis day" Rick and I stared at each other in amazement. He HAS been paying attention and understands so much more than we think he does. Now I've tried a couple times later today and he won't do it again, but I swear that he said it clear as could be.

Easter Hunt #2

On Easter Sunday we went over to Rick's sister Cathy's home for dinner and an Easter egg hunt for the kids. As you may notice, there are no pics. I think I got several good ones but couldn't seem to remember to bring my camera home. So it is sitting at her home and I'll get it in a few weeks. The kids had a good time and it was fun to watch the older kids totally bypass the all the "easy" eggs in search of the $$$ eggs. There were 8 $$$ eggs ranging anywhere from .50 to 1.00 and one having 5.00 in it. They were pretty competitive. All in all the kids had a good time.
Monday morning at 3 a.m. I was rethinking how much candy I let the boys eat. Levi woke up puking, but after him losing his stomach every 1/2 hour till 6 a.m. I realized that it was not just the candy. Turns out everyone who was at my parents Sat night ended up getting the same thing to varying degrees. So we have been pretty busy the past 2 days. The boys both seem to be doing well now and despite being sick, have been troopers.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Egg hunt #1

We decided to forego the "free" Easter egg hunts at the city park after reading about my cousin's bad experience at one last week. We already had plans for a hunt at my parent's home today and one tomorrow at Rick's sister's home.

Jace's first egg hunt. He got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Levi found his eggs and then was very helpful to his brother and cousins.

Nice Outfit

There are really no words to explain.

Let's go fly a Kite!!!

It has been super windy here lately with a bunch of storms blowing through. We took advantage of the wind and took the boys to the park with kites.