Our family is now tonsil-less. A few weeks ago I took Jace in to see our ENT physician to take a look at his tonsils for several reasons: 1. He is a constant drooler (we thought he would outgrow it). 2. I am concerned with all his allergies and want as much space in his little throat as possible if he has an anaphylactic episode. 3. We've met his deductible for the year.
The doctor thought that they were large for his age and would need to come out within the next year or so anyway so we decided to just go ahead and get it done.
The morning of the surgery we got there at 6:45 a.m., way too early if you ask me... Jace was the first surgery of the day and they were waiting for us. They did such a great job and really try to put the kiddo at ease. After getting weighed they let him pick out a stuffed animal. Then we spoke to the surgical nurse, the anesthesiologist and finally our surgeon. Then the anesthesiologist came back to give him a "ride" in the wagon (off to surgery).
The surgery lasted all of about 20 minutes and then Dr. Barlow came and told me that Jace did well and they took out a lot of adenoid tissue and his tonsils looked like they had been chronically infected, don't know why our family is so prone to strep. And we didn't even know Jace had a sore throat, usually they say under 2 they don't get strep throat, instead they get ear infections. Anyhow, he has done pretty well since, likes to cuddle a lot (that's a change), but we have been struggling keeping the pain under control for him. Hopefully we're past the worst part and he'll just continue to get better.