On October 12th was Jace's blessing. Sacrament attendance was increased by probably 1/3 mostly Rick's side of the family. I always joke with him that our families are like those in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", Rick's side being the loud over the top family and mine being quite a bit more reserved (not as reserved as in the movie though). With all joking aside we are really blessed to have so much family near us and to be so supportive.
We thought that we would get the house completely finished by the time we had the blessing and put in long days and nights for that to happen. We were close. We realized that we were running out of time and then the weather turned for the worse so we had to cancel the carpet installation due to the forecast of rain and snow all weekend. Good thing too as we had 6 inches of snow at our house and everyone had to eat inside the house and garage.
The next day I took the boys to St. George on a week long trip with my mom to go visit my grandparents. It was the first time either of my boys met their great-grandparents (the only ones they have). We don't get down to St. George often so we thought it was important to get the boys down there as my grandpa will soon be 91 and my grandma turns 90 in December. The week was full of naps, visiting my aunts and great-aunts and chasing after the boys. All in all it was a good trip. I'm a little insane to take the boys on a trip and wouldn't have been able to do it alone. Good thing my mom was there, especially since it was her idea.
This past week I have been working on the boys Halloween costumes, trying to get them done by Saturday for the ward Trunk-r-Treat. They are a monkey and his banana. I was sewing during nap time every day and after I put Levi to bed in order to get them done. I actually finished on Thursday (that was a relief as we finally got our carpet on Sat and had to move everything out on Fri). The monkey outfit was from a pattern but I made up the pattern for the banana. I think they turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
This was taken at the Trunk-r-Treat, the day that Levi was being a typical 2 year old and I wanted to ring his neck!!! I need to learn not to mess with nap time. Speaking of which, Levi needs to go to bed now, he's actually being very quiet in the kitchen, never a good sign.