Sunday, February 6, 2011


Levi has been going through a stage (I hope it's only a stage) where he has major tantrums. He'll run up the stairs, slam the door and stay in his room over the smallest things. We've tried many different methods and hopefully we've landed on one that works. We have a chart for each boy numbered 1-10. Each day that there are no major meltdowns and that he behaves, he gets a sticker. When he gets to the end, he gets a prize.
Well today was the day. He got the 10th sticker today (it only took about 3 weeks, and over 1/2 the stickers have been in the past week, he has finally caught the concept)!!! He was pretty excited. His first prize was a transformer "RC" which is a motorcycle one that he's been wanting.
He was so excited when that was what I gave him. He said "Mom, this is the very best present that I've ever got!" I asked "better than Optimus Prime, or spiderman?" Levi "oh yeah, it's the best, I'm going to sleep with it tonight."
He's up in bed asleep now, "RC" is resting on his tummy.

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