Sunday, October 3, 2010

SuperHero Birthday Party

For the past week Levi has woken up everyday and asked "am I 4 now?" Each day I would tell him not yet and he sigh and lay back down to sleep and be a little ornery for awhile. Well Levi's birthday was Sept. 30th and that morning we went through this same routine but he asked with a super sad/defeated voice, when I told him that he was now 4, his eyes got really big and he shouted "Hoooooray!!!"
All he ever wants is to play "super hero". He couldn't decide on which superhero was his favorite so we just combined them all. We had a Superman cake,

Transformer pinata,

Batman for a sidekick,

and a very happy Superman.

We invited all the kids from Levi's primary class and a few neighborhood friends. Suprisingly all but 2 showed up (brothers who were sick that day). We had anywhere from 15-20 kids, I didn't really count, I know that I made 24 cupcakes and barring the 2 the boys had at lunch, I passed the rest out to the kids.
We rented a bounce house/slide which was probably a little over the top, but the kids had a blast. I ended up with a sinus infection that day and was pretty miserable but how do you tell a 4 year old that he can't have a party that he's been looking forward to for a month.
Thankfully we had already rented the bounce house and it was worth every penny to have them come set it up, take it down, and not have to try to entertain 15+ 4 year olds or run games for them. They could just play, play, play, stop for presents, play, stop for the pinata, play, have treats and go home.
Our boys played on the bounce house off and on all day long and we invited a couple cousins to come over early, I think we got our moneys worth. I think that we may do that again.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

happy birthday to levi! He is so cute! What a fun party idea! Love the superman cake! did you make it? way to go!