Thursday, July 15, 2010


4 a.m.
Levi: "Daddy, I have a bloody nose"
Daddy: "Don't pick your nose, that's why you get bloody noses."
Gets him cleaned up and back to bed
7 a.m.
Levi: "Daddy I have another bloody nose"
I go get him cleaned up and ask "Why did you get a bloody nose?"
Levi: "cause I was pickin my nose"
Mommy: "are you supposed to pick your nose?"
Levi: "but I like to pick my nose"
Keep cleaning him up
Levi: "I got 3 boogers out of this side and 2 boogers out of this side"
Mommy: "What did you do with the boogers?"
Levi proudly: "I ate them"
Mommy: "Don't eat your boogers, that's yucky"
Levi: "I like my boogers... they taste good... my boogers have juice in them..."
I keep telling myself, it's just a phase.

1 comment:

Emu Monkey said...

Hilarious! Don't you love the honesty of kids.