Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

We've had a lot of snow lately and I found a great place to sled by the old McKay Dee in Ogden. There are large and small hills that are perfect for kids. So for New Year's Day we decided to go sledding in the morning (after our action packed New Year's Eve of watching a movie after putting the kids to bed). We borrowed a couple of sleds from the Blass's and headed up to the hill.

Jace wasn't so sure what to think. When I put him down, he just stood there motionless.

This was Levi's first run. He lasted about 3 runs total and would rather just play in the snow. We were there about an hour and had a fun time.
This next year will be full of challenges, good times and bad. But through it all we will have each other and the gospel. I'm not sure how the quote goes exactly but the trails we face today will be seen as blessings when we reflect on them later.
As we all face the challenges of today, we wish you all the strength to endure and the ability to see the lessons that are to be learned.
Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Cecily R said...

Looks like tons of fun! We should meet at that hill sometime this winter! Evie and Levi would have a BLAST!