Friday, June 11, 2010

The Rules

Per Levi:
Rule #1: You get me milk
Rule #2: You get me milk
Is it past bedtime or what?

On a side note, the other night I was working on a craft project and left my bag on the couch. Rick found Levi after the damage had already been done. Levi found it the next morning and pulled guessed it, the super sharp craft scissors.
Rick found him after he had made several cuts into one of the throw pillows. My fault totally but he still got disciplined. His first reaction was "but it was an accident" I told him that it wasn't an accident so he said "but I'm sorry..." I said that I knew he was but he was still in trouble. He finally looked at the pillow and said "you just need to put some tape on it". Why didn't I think of that solution?

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Duct tape can fix anything!